Questions and answers

Find answers to common questions that professionals and parents have raised about eIMP.

How much does eIMP cost?

The eIMP is available to professionals at no charge, compliments of HEARnet.

Can I use eIMP immediately?

You will be able to use eIMP within 15 mins of registering.

  1. Your first use of eIMP will direct you to a 10 min. instructional tutorial.
  2. eIMP will then prompt you to complete the file that allows your unique user login code to pair the child with the de-identified data held on eIMP.
  3. You will be asked to confirm that you have parent permission to use eIMP.
  4. Subsequent uses of eIMP will offer you the option of reviewing the instructional video or advancing straight to points 2 & 3.
Can eIMP be downloaded for later use?

No, eIMP is for online use only.

How do you ensure each child’s information remains private and secure?

The information recorded by a professional for each child is locked in an encrypted format within the eIMP Online system through the use of a Child Key. A unique 8 character Child Key is automatically generated when each New Child file is created in eIMP Online. The professional will store this Child Key in their own confidential client records.

The eIMP Online system does not store the Child Key for any child.

The professional must enter the Child Key to unlock the de-identified information before it can be accessed. This scheme ensures that only the holder of the Child Key —the treating professional— is able to access the child’s details.